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Friday, May 29, 2015

The Makeup Remover (II)


Pada suatu pagi di hari minggu (30 May 2015),
Sedang aku duduk termenung di atas bangku sambil memerhati gelagat orang-orang asing yang sedang bergembira di taman rekreasi,aku ditegur seorang wanita asing, "Hey, kau perempuan tanpa topeng. Aku ingin tahu, bagaimana rasa tiupan angin yang membelai wajahmu?"

Dengan dahi yang berkerut kerana sesungguhnya aku tidak memahami soalan yang dilontarkan, aku cuma mampu menatap wajahnya yang tersembunyi di sebalik topeng putih bercorak bunga, dihiasi manik berkilau. Kau ingin tahu rasa ditiup angin, buka sajalah topeng mu. Monologku.

"Oh, angin pagi ini terasa lembut dan dingin walaupun terik mentari agak menyengat. Tapi masih nyaman." balasku sambil tersenyum ikhlas padanya. Ikhlas? Bukan. Ia lebih kepada simpati.

Wanita itu berlalu pergi dengan langkah yang senang seolah puas dengan jawapanku. Aku jadi lebih simpati padanya. Masakan mahu menikmati tiupan angin juga tidak mampu, terpaksa bertanya pada orang. Aku tidak faham. Rasanya, sama sahaja angin yang bertiup pada tubuh dengan wajah. Ada bezakah? Mungkinkah angin yang dirasa pada tubuh lebih kencang, tapi pada wajah terasa lembut dan aman? Aneh-aneh manusia sekarang.

Timbul pula satu cita-cita yang mungkin murni bagiku, tapi agak biadap untuk manusia yang lain.

"THE REMOVER" bahasa Melayunya, PENANGGAL. Eh, seram pula bunyi dia.

Bukan. Bukan. Yang sebetulnya (bukan direct translate), lebih sesuai kalau aku beri nama "PELENYAP". (???)

                                                                *       *       *

Weekend in the morning, (30 May 2015),
I was sitting on a bench while observing people enjoying their day at the park, when a woman came and ask me, "Hey, you girl, the unmasked one. I want to know what is it like to feel the breeze?"

I was speechless and felt weird. Then I looked at her face, which covered with a white masked decorated with flower patterns and shining beads on it. Saying this to myself, if you really want to know how does it feel, you should just take off the mask.

"Oh, it's soft and cool despite the fact that the sun is scorching, but it is comfortable" I reply with a sincere smile. No. It's not sincere, it's more to sympathy.

The woman walks away happily as if she was satisfied with my answer. I felt even more sympathy towards her. How come you can't even enjoy the breeze so much you have to ask people around. I don't understand. I thought the feeling was the same whether it was your face or your body. Is there any difference, like the breeze you felt through your body is stronger than the breeze that fell on your face?

Suddenly I came across with a pure ambition, well at least to me, while there is a possibility that the ambition is quite rude to others.

"THE REMOVER", in Malay we call it PENANGGAL. Well..... that sounds creepy and scary.

No. I think it should be "PELENYAP". (???)

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